功能 – 查看最新增强
- 10 Hz 至 3.6、8.4、13.6 或 26.5 GHz;使用是德科技智能混频器可将频率扩展到 110 GHz,使用其他厂商的混频器可扩展到高达 1.1 THz
- 25 MHz(标配)、40、85、125 或 160 MHz 分析带宽
- 新设备标配的选件 B40、DP2 或 MPB 可提供快速扫描功能;选配的选件 FP2 可提供快速功率测量功能
- 实时频谱分析仪功能,可以 100% 截获持续时间最短达 3.57 µs 的信号
- ± 0.23 dB 绝对幅度精度
- -114 dBc/Hz 相位噪声,10 kHz 偏置时;+20 dBm 三阶截获(TOI)
- -166 dBm 显示的平均噪声电平(DANL),使用前置放大器;使用本底噪声扩展功能(选件 NFE),可进一步改善 10 dB
- -78 dB W-CDMA ACLR 动态范围(噪声校正功能启动)
- 支持超过 25 种测量应用软件,包括蜂窝通信、无线连通性、数字视频和通用测试
- MXA 内部运行的 89600 VSA 软件可执行超过 75 种信号格式的先进信号分析
- MATLAB 数据分析软件可执行通用数据分析、显示和自动测量
- 标配包括 Keysight PowerSuite 一键式功率测量
- 符合 LXI 标准,并支持 SCPI 和 IVI-COM
- USB 2.0、1000Base-T LAN、GPIB
- 通过 PSA、8566/68 和 856x 可实现远程编程语言兼容性
- 通用的 X 系列用户界面/开放式 Windows 7 操作系统(标配)
- 将您现有 MXA 的操作系统从 Windows XP 系统过渡到 Windows 7 系统
使用 N9020A MXA 加速无线测试
MXA 能够帮您加快新型无线器件的开发速度,使之尽快投入制造,提前推入市场。它的多功能特性有利于进行快速调整,以满足不断提高的测试要求,还可支持多种制式、新老产品和器件。
实时频谱分析功能作为新型和现有 MXA 的升级选件,帮助您在日益复杂的信号环境中捕获和分析最罕见的信号。结合 160 MHz 宽带分析带宽,MXA 支持您对新一代无线通信和连通性信号进行精确分析。
N9020A MXA 信号分析仪是 X 系列频谱分析仪中的一员,它是综合利用仪器、测量和软件进行信号分析的演进方法。它的灵活性能够满足您的多个产品和项目的商业和技术要求――无论是现在还是在未来。
N9020A-1CM |
Rack mount kit
N9020A-1CN |
Front handle kit
N9020A-1CP |
Rackmount and handle kit
N9020A-1CR |
Rack slide kit
N9020A-503 |
Frequency range, 10 Hz to 3.6 GHz
N9020A-508 |
Frequency range, 10 Hz to 8.4 GHz
N9020A-513 |
Frequency range, 10 Hz to 13.6 GHz
N9020A-526 |
Frequency range, 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz
N9020A-A6J |
ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N9020A-AKT | Getting Started Guide MXA Russian Localization |
N9020A-AMG |
Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)
N9020A-B1A |
Analysis bandwidth, 125 MHz
N9020A-B1X |
Analysis bandwidth, 160 MHz
N9020A-B25 |
Analysis Bandwidth, 25 MHz
N9020A-B40 |
Analysis bandwidth, 40 MHz
N9020A-B85 |
Analysis bandwidth, 85 MHz
N9020A-BAG | Accessory Pouch |
N9020A-BBA |
I/Q baseband inputs, analog
N9020A-CR3 |
Connector, Wideband IF output
N9020A-CRP |
Connector,programmable rear IF output
N9020A-DP2 |
Digital Processor, 2 GB Capture Memory
N9020A-DVR |
N9020A-EA3 |
Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz
N9020A-EDP |
Enhanced display package license
N9020A-EMC |
Basic EMC functionality license
N9020A-ESC |
External source control license
N9020A-EXM |
External mixing
N9020A-FP2 |
Fast Power, up to 40 MHz bandwidth
N9020A-HTC |
Hard Transit Case
N9020A-KB2 | US 65 Key USB Keyboard |
N9020A-KYB | Keyboard, USB |
N9020A-MLP |
Minimum Loss Pad, 50 to 75 ohm
N9020A-MPB |
Microwave preselector bypass
N9020A-NFE |
Noise floor extension
N9020A-P03 |
Preamplifier, 3.6 GHz
N9020A-P08 |
Preamplifier, 8.4 GHz
N9020A-P13 |
Preamplifier, 13.6 GHz
N9020A-P26 |
Preamplifier, 26.5 GHz
N9020A-PFR |
Precision frequency reference
N9020A-PRC |
Portable Configuration
N9020A-RT1 |
Real-time analysis up to 160 MHz BW, basic detection license
N9020A-RT2 |
Real-time analysis up to 160 MHz BW, optimum detection license
N9020A-RTR |
Real-time spectrum recorder and analyzer application example, license
N9020A-SF1 |
Security Features, Exclude Launching Programs
N9020A-SF2 |
Security features, prohibit saving results
N9020A-SSD |
Additional removable solid state drive
N9020A-TDS |
Time Domain Scan - requires N6141A and MPB or DP2 or B40 or greater BW
N9020A-UK6 |
Commercial calibration certificate with test data
N9020A-W7X | Operating system, Windows Embedded Standard 7 |
N9020A-YAS |
Y-axis ouptut
1CM013A |
Rackmount Flange Kit 177.0mm H (4U) - Two Flange Brackets
BV0005A |
BenchVue Spectrum Analyzer Pro Software License
N6141A |
EMI Measurement Application
N6141A-2FP | EMI measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6141A-2TP | EMI measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6149A |
IDEN/WIDEN/MotoTalk Measurement Application
N6149A-2FP | IDEN, WIDEN, Moto Talk Measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6149A-2TP | IDEN/WIDEN/MotoTalk measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6152A |
Digital Cable TV Measurement Application
N6152A-2FP | DVB-C/J.83 Annex A/C measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6152A-2TP | DVB-C/J.83 Annex A/C measurement application, measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6152A-3FP | J.83 Annex B measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6152A-3TP | J.83 Annex B measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6152A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update, fixed perpetual license
N6153A |
DVB-T/H/T2 Measurement Application
N6153A-2FP | DVB-T/H Measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6153A-2TP | DVB-T/H measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6153A-3FP | DVB-T2 measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6153A-3TP | DVB-T2 measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6155A |
ISDB-T/Tmm Measurement Application
N6155A-2FP | ISDB-T Measurement Application,fixed perpetual license |
N6155A-2TP | ISDB-T measurement application , transportable perpetual license |
N6155A-3FP | ISDB-Tmm, Measurement Application, fixed perpetual license |
N6155A-3TP | ISDB-Tmm, measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6156A |
DTMB (CTTB) Measurement Application
N6156A-2FP | DTMB (CTTB) measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N6156A-2TP | DTMB (CTTB) measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6158A |
CMMB Measurement Application
N6158A-2FP | CMMB Measurement Application,fixed perpetual license |
N6158A-2TP | CMMB measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N6171A |
MATLAB Software
N6171A-M01 |
MATLAB-Basic Package, individual license - node-locked
N6171A-M02 |
MATLAB-Standard Package, individual license - node-locked
N6171A-M03 |
MATLAB-Advanced Package, individual license - node-locked
N9051B-2FP | Pulse measurement software, fixed perpetual, license |
N9051B-2TP | Pulse measurement software, fixed, transportable perpetual license |
N9051B-3FP | Phase and frequency measurements, fixed perpetual license |
N9051B-3TP | Phase and frequency measurements, transportable perpetual license |
N9051B-4FP | Extended analysis and statistics, fixed perpetual license |
N9051B-4TP | Extended analysis and statistics, transportable perpetual license |
N9051B-5FP | Deep capture, fixed perpetual license |
N9051B-5TP | Deep capture, transportable perpetual license |
N9051B-A2B | Upgrade from N9051A to N9051B |
N9061A |
Remote Language Compatibility Application
N9061A-1FP | Remote language compatibility, 8566/68, fixed perpetual license |
N9061A-2FP | Remote language compatibility, 856xE/EC, fixed perpetual license |
N9062A |
SCPI Language Compatibility
N9062A-2FP | Remote language compatibility, R-and-S FSP, fixed perpetual license |
N9063A |
Analog Demodulation Measurement Application
N9063A-2FP | Analog Demodulation Measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9063A-2TP | Analog demodulation measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9063A-3FP | FM stereo measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9063A-3TP | FM stereo measurement applications, transportable perpetual liense |
N9063A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9064A |
VXA Vector Signal Analysis Measurement Application
N9064A-1FP |
Vector signal analysis application, VXA, fixed perpetual license
N9064A-1TP | Vector signal analysis application, VXA, transportable perpetual license |
N9064A-2FP |
Flexible digital modulation analysis measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9064A-2TP | Flexible digital modulation analysis measurement application, fixed transportable license |
N9064A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9068A |
Phase Noise Measurement Application
N9068A-2FP | Phase Noise Measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9068A-2TP | Phase Noise measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9068A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9069A |
Noise Figure Measurement Application
N9069A-1FP | Noise figure measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9069A-1TP | Noise figure measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9069A-2FP | Noise figure measurement application advanced features, fixed perpetual license |
N9069A-2TP | Noise figure measurement application advanced features, transportable perpetual license |
N9069A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9071A |
GSM/EDGE/Evo Measurement Application
N9071A-2FP |
GSM/EDGE measurement application, fixed perpetual, license
N9071A-2TP | GSM/EDGE measurement application, transportable perpetual, license |
N9071A-3FP |
EDGE Evo measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9071A-3TP | EDGE Evo measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9071A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9071A-XFP |
Single acquisition combined GSM/EDGE measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9071A-XTP | GSM/EDGE combined measurement application, transportable perpetual, license |
N9072A |
CDMA2000 Measurement Application
N9072A-2FP | CDMA2000 measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9072A-2TP | CDMA2000 measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9073A |
W-CDMA/HSPA+ Measurement Application
N9073A-1FP |
W-CDMA Measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9073A-1TP | W-CDMA measurement application, fixed transportable perpetual license |
N9073A-2FP |
HSDPA/HSUPA measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9073A-2TP | HSDPA/HSUPA measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9073A-3FP |
HSPA+ Measurement Application, fixed perpetual license
N9073A-3TP | HSPA+ measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9073A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9073A-XFP |
Single acquisition combined W-CDMA measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9073A-XTP | Single acquisition combined W-CDMA measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9074A |
Fixed WiMAX Single Acquisition Combined Measurement Application
N9074A-XFP | Single acquisition combined WiMAX measurement application, fixed perpetual, license |
N9074A-XTP | Single acquisition combined WiMAX measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9075A |
Mobile WiMAX Measurement Application
N9075A-2FP | Mobile WiMAX measurement application, fixed perpetual, license |
N9075A-2TP | Mobile WiMAX measurement application, transportable perpetual, license |
N9076A |
1xEV-DO Measurement Application
N9076A-1FP | 1xEV-DO measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9076A-1TP | 1xEV-DO measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9077A |
WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Measurement Application
N9077A-2FP |
WLAN 802.11a/b/g measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9077A-2TP | WLAN 802.11a/b/g measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9077A-3FP |
WLAN 802.11n measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9077A-3TP | WLAN 802.11n, measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9077A-4FP |
WLAN 802.11ac measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9077A-4TP | WLAN 802.11ac measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9077A-5FP |
WLAN 802.11 list sequence measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9077A-5TP | WLAN 802.11 list sequence measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9079A |
TD-SCDMA/HSPA Measurement Application
N9079A-1FP |
TD-SCDMA measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9079A-1TP | TD-SCDMA measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9079A-2FP |
HSPA measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9079A-2TP | HSPA measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9079A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9080B |
LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD measurement application
N9080B-1F1 | LTE FDD measurement application, fixed timebased licenses, 1 month |
N9080B-1FP |
LTE FDD measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9080B-1TP | LTE FDD measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9080B-2F1 | LTE-Advanced FDD measurement application, fixed timebased licenses, 1 month |
N9080B-2FP |
LTE-Advanced FDD measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9080B-2TP | LTE-Advanced FDD measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9081A |
Bluetooth Measurement Application
N9081A-2FP | Bluetooth Measurement Application, fixed perpetual license |
N9081A-2TP | Bluetooth measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9081A-MEU |
Minor enhancement update
N9082B |
LTE/LTE-Advanced TDD measurement application
N9082B-1F1 | LTE TDD measurement application, fixed timebased Licenses, 1 month |
N9082B-1FP |
LTE TDD measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9082B-1TP | LTE TDD measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9082B-2F1 | LTE-Advanced TDD measurement application, fixed timebased licenses, 1 month |
N9082B-2FP |
LTE-Advanced TDD measurement application, fixed perpetual license
N9082B-2TP | LTE-Advanced TDD measurement application, transportable perpetual license |
N9083A |
Multi-Standard Radio (MSR) Measurement Application
N9083A-1FP | Multi-Standard Radio, MSR, measurement application, fixed perpetual license |
N9083A-1TP | Multi-Standard Radio, MSR, measurement application, transportable perpetual license |